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MUSICA seed potatoes, a new generation variety designed to meet the expectations of even the most demanding growers. These potatoes have a wonderful appearance, long shape with a smooth skin and a yellow flesh. Musica potatoes grow well in all soil types, with the best yields in lighter soils. Musica smooth-skinned and can be used in industry, processing, peeling, and washing.

Germination of seed potatoes before planting is not advised for disease control.


Cultivation technology.


Seed potatoes MUSICA

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    • Maturity- medium early
    • Yield - very high
    • Dry matter content - 19.9%
    • Suitability for cooking - A
    • Shape - long to round
    • Drought resistance - high
    • The average number of tubers is 15
    • Storage - medium (temperature 4 °C)
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